
We are expert at

Legal Practice Areas

Landlord Protection

The RTA is a remedial law designed to help tenants make their residential tenancy work. Landlords must be able to comprehensively anticipate any dispute from all sides. Protect your investment by staying legally compliant at all times.

Condominium Law

Condominiums are typically governed by condo boards according to by-laws. Condominiums rented as residences to tenants also must comply with the Residential Tenancies Act. Be legally compliant with the condo board and any tenants: seek assistance to navigate these two sets of regulations.

Investment Property

Many landlords fell into the role of being a landlord as a result of acquiring an investment property. Seek legal assistance to remain legal compliant and protect your investment.

Property Management

Property management (PM) companies vary greatly. You should only consult a PM with in-house legal. If your PM has no in-house legal, legal matters can augment your process to better protect your investment.

Commercial Tenancies

Commercial tenancies depend on the contractual terms unlike residential tenancies which are defined by statute. Seel legal assistance to review your contract for viability given your business model.

Risk Mitigation

Landlords mitigate the risk to their investment when they are legally compliant. Avoid a minefield of tenant protections by seeking legal assistance to understand and be compliant with the law.